What is “Consigliere”?

Consigliere, is a piece of Next Generation Tracker Software, which enables real-time tracking of your Entropia Universe endevours, be it Hunting, Mining, Crafting, Healing or Sweating, Consigliere has features to make your life easier.

Core Functionality:

  1. Record all globals (Both your own, and everyone elses)
  2. Screenshot Your Globals
  3. Screenshot Team Globals
  4. Advanced Gear Setup
    • Primary Weapon
      • Weapon
      • Amplifier
      • Tiers
    • Optional Tagger, with same configurability as primary weapon
    • Healing Tool setup
    • Healing Chip setup
  5. Consumable Configuration
  6. Sending of Screenshots to your phone (Via external API service provided by pushover)
  7. Record on a per-action basis costs of firing weapon, clicking tools etc.
  8. Details of special loot (Seasonal boxes, Entropia Unreal Tokens, Normal and Rare Mayhem Tokens)
  9. Display TT Loot
  10. Display TT Return %
  11. Display Cost in PED
  12. Display Runtimer
  13. Display Damage per Pec (DPP)
  14. Display Damage per Second (DPS)
  15. And much, much more!

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