What is “Consigliere”?
Consigliere, is a piece of Next Generation Tracker Software, which enables real-time tracking of your Entropia Universe endevours, be it Hunting, Mining, Crafting, Healing or Sweating, Consigliere has features to make your life easier.
Core Functionality:
- Record all globals (Both your own, and everyone elses)
- Screenshot Your Globals
- Screenshot Team Globals
- Advanced Gear Setup
- Primary Weapon
- Weapon
- Amplifier
- Tiers
- Optional Tagger, with same configurability as primary weapon
- Healing Tool setup
- Healing Chip setup
- Primary Weapon
- Consumable Configuration
- Sending of Screenshots to your phone (Via external API service provided by pushover)
- Record on a per-action basis costs of firing weapon, clicking tools etc.
- Details of special loot (Seasonal boxes, Entropia Unreal Tokens, Normal and Rare Mayhem Tokens)
- Display TT Loot
- Display TT Return %
- Display Cost in PED
- Display Runtimer
- Display Damage per Pec (DPP)
- Display Damage per Second (DPS)
- And much, much more!
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